Intelligent Issue 48 | Page 67



Developing an IT infrastructure that allows for long-term hybrid working is the top objective for the next five years amongst IT decisionmakers at SMEs – with the majority ( 28 %) planning to make it their number one priority . That ’ s according to independent research commissioned by Six Degrees , a secure , integrated cloud services provider . This is followed by increasing automation ( 27 %), harnessing AI and Machine Learning to support business goals ( 26 %), outsourcing IT operations ( 26 %) and improving diversity and inclusivity within the IT team and wider business ( 26 %).

“ The common link between each of these objectives is the desire to improve productivity and empower higher-performing teams ,” said Vince DeLuca , Chief Executive Officer at Six Degrees . “ The top four objectives seek to do this by deploying new technology , implementing existing IT in new ways and by leveraging vast amounts of valuable data .”
He continued : “ However , improvements to diversity and inclusivity also play a key role in driving productivity , stimulating innovation and minimising the risk of groupthink . Consciously or not , it ’ s clear that IT decision-makers at SMEs are laying the groundwork to compete successfully over the long-term in increasingly crowded markets with lower margins .”
Cybersecurity-related objectives are notable by their absence in the respondents ’ top five long-term objectives . IT security comes in seventh place with 24 % and keeping one step ahead of cybercriminals at 22 % in ninth . Vince DeLuca offers some thoughts on these rankings : “ When it comes to
IT security , many businesses that have migrated to public cloud environments simply install a firewall and intrusion protection services , then leave the systems to run themselves .”
He continued : “ Too many organisations still move their IT infrastructure to the cloud and think it will all be protected by default and design . Indeed , when asked directly , 42 % of respondents said that cloud adoption has increased their security . However , there remains a high degree of confusion around maintaining security protection and reducing those threats . That ’ s not going away anytime soon , and businesses need third-party help and advice now more than ever .”
Findings from elsewhere within Six Degrees ’ UK SME Cloud Intelligence Report 2024 support this view . Only 38 % of respondents say their organisation uses a Data Loss Prevention solution .
The data also reveals that only onethird of the UK ’ s SMEs have SIEM / SOC monitoring in place , while a similarly low percentage make regular backups and use data encryption .
Harnessing AI and Machine Learning is a top three priority for IT decisionmakers over the next five years . As such , it ’ s important that organisations prepare now by putting in place robust sets of data ingestion and integration capabilities . These will feed a rich and holistic data fabric with the level of information accuracy and precision required to successfully power their AIbased applications . Looking specifically at AI deployment opportunities , almost a quarter say they will likely use AI as a cybersecurity defence , potentially opting for Endpoint Detection and Response solutions . This rises to 31 % among IT managers , making them the most willing to deploy AI in this way . �
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