Intelligent Issue 43 | Page 18



public sector has renewed focus on empowering employees and citizens using tech

Riverbed , a leader in unified observability , announced findings for the public sector from its Global Digital Employee Experience ( DEX ) Survey . The report reveals that government agencies are transforming to improve the digital experience for employees and citizens , allowing them to achieve key goals – for example , unleashing staff productivity , recruiting and retaining talent in the public sector and delivering on the mission . This transformation is also proving critical in overcoming the sector ’ s many challenges , including the acceleration of hybrid and skills shortages as the workplace and workforce shifts at an unprecedented pace .



Evolution at the speed of today ’ s employees
Every industry is facing a talent shortage , and the public sector is no exception . As longerstanding staff members retire , a new generation of digitally native Millennial and Gen Z workers enter , with even higher expectations of their technology and the digital experience . In fact , 86 % of the public sector leaders surveyed believe they ’ ll need to provide more advanced digital experiences as a fresh generation of employees enter the workforce .
New investments areas include unified observability platforms , which can deliver exceptional DEX by providing visibility , AI and actionable insight into entire infrastructures ; 74 % of IT respondents in government believe unified observability with greater automation can help close the skills gap . Additionally , new investments are expected to support the hybrid workforce , as 49 % of public sector employees operate in a hybrid model and 92 % of public sector leaders surveyed say hybrid working enhances their ability to recruit talent and remain competitive in the future . As a result , 83 % of public sector leaders who responded to the survey plan to invest in technology over the next 12 – 18 months to support this hybrid workforce .
Enhanced digital experiences aren ’ t simply considered a nice-to-have either . The survey showed that 58 % of leaders in the public sector believe there would be disruptive or reputational impact on their organisation if the DEX needs of younger generations aren ’ t met , while 63 % agree that these employees would consider leaving the government organisation if they didn ’ t enjoy seamless digital experiences .
The role of the public sector CIO is shifting
As CIOs are consulted on significant strategic decisions that affect recruitment and productivity , they ’ re expected to adopt a more prominent role within the leadership team . Eighty-one percent of public sector decision-makers surveyed acknowledge the increasing relevance of IT within their organisation ’ s leadership team . In addition , 89 % of the respondents agree that IT is more responsible for driving innovation now than it was three years ago . In effect , the pressure is on IT and its leaders to make smart investments and implement technologies that will support the cause and mission rather than adding extra complexity .
Decision-makers express a heightened interest in AI and cloud
Separate research on government digitisation from Deloitte says that the ultimate aim of governments must be from ‘ doing ’ digital to ‘ being ’ digital , which means ‘ the human experience is elevated . Human-centred design and advanced technologies like AI , cyber and cloud are used to radically improve service delivery by transforming government operating models ’. McKinsey agrees , stating that ‘ by digitising processes and making organisational changes , governments can enhance services , save money and improve citizens ’ quality of life ’, and the Global Government Forum names
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