Intelligent Issue 43 | Page 15


// TECH TRENDS // that address increasingly varied expectations of employees .

With smaller companies offering crossfunctional roles , there is also a growing need to move from process excellence to data excellence , using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to allow for greater efficiency and innovative decision-making .
New starter , first impressions
As everyone knows , hiring new employees is both complex and imperfect as almost every decision made is based on personal judgment using sometimes only small amounts of data .
For employees to perform and feel happy in their jobs , they are now more than ever looking for organisations with meaningful roles , access to new technology and company values similar to their own . One of the first impressions a new employee gets about a company is how well it onboards team members .
Gallup data reveals that although every HR team goes to great lengths to streamline this process and make sure new employees feel welcome , only 12 % of employees say they strongly agree that their organisation does well with this task . Clearly there is still work to do .
An example of getting this right is Santander , a leading financial services company in Argentina with 3.7 million clients , US $ 11.6 billion in assets under management and 8,200 staff . Its impressive size requires a large workforce to effectively provide all the services that their clients expect . However , after recruitment , it typically took six weeks to onboard new starters . By employing digital workers , weeks of paperwork and complications for staff and candidates were reduced , resulting in 85 % faster onboarding and drastically improved employee experience .
The same can be done in smaller companies . The implementation of intelligent automation can help to streamline the recruitment process by automating administrative tasks and increasing the personalisation of the onboarding process , making employees feel welcome and informed .
How IA is replacing high-volume , low-complexity HR tasks
Intelligent automation ( IA ) is a combination of technologies , including business process management , robotic process automation , nocode development , AI and Machine Learning , helping organisations deliver transformational results across the enterprise .
IA has the potential to reinvent how HR works , from clustering words and phrases , indexing personnel records with skillsets and comparing salary benchmarking against competitors .
Now imagine how much data an average HR department maintains and the tremendous issues managing it . From current employees to past employees , every aspect of a person ’ s record must be securely stored in compliance with government and company policies .
This is an additional challenge for HR teams working in small organisations , not to mention large corporations with thousands of employees and effectively managing it .
Empowering frontline HR teams with invaluable insights regarding employee growth , performance , engagement and commitment means HR staff can focus on delivering a better employment experience .
How digital workers and IA are transforming data management
Digital workers are software human twins designed to take over the repeatable , mundane work that people really shouldn ’ t have to do . They can be programmed and trained to perform specific tasks , make decisions and perform end-to-end processes , whether those are well defined , simple , repetitive or complex , non-routine , unstructured .
Digital workers are the frontline to IA and can either work independently ( unattended ) or hand-in-hand with your people ( attended ). Amid ever increasing environmental and social governance , IA data management is also playing a greater role than ever in assisting HR managers .
Traditionally paper-based processes evaluated employee performance or training needs , while meeting regulatory
Concetta Yates , VP Customer Strategy and Industry Solutions , SS & C Blue Prism

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