Intelligent Issue 42 | Page 46


JUST MISSED WAS ANOTHER SALE THAT WE ’ D MISSED OUT ON . was another sale that we ’ d missed out on , for example . One day , I remember I started a finance option seven times as the phone rang , and I needed to make sure that it was answered . Due to the sensitive nature of the finance agreements they time out after 15 minutes so you have to start again , I think it took nearly two hours out of my day to complete just one . Today , I have the peace of mind that if I am mid finance option , Moneypenny will answer any incoming calls and make sure they ’ re handled efficiently .’
Meanwhile , Maxi-Lease continued the recruitment process but remained uninspired by the options available to them , specifically in the outbound calling department . They turned to Moneypenny to see if it could also support them on outbound calls . The service was trialled , and productivity rose by 200 %, making it a win-win solution .
“ The Moneypenny outbound calling team spend a fraction of the time on making the calls each week , however , I believe that because they are trained specialists in this and it is their job that they are specifically employed to do , it is a much better solution , proven by the fact that by employing the service for just a few hours a week compared to a full-time employee we have experienced 200 % increase in productivity in this area .
“ Currently we work with both the callanswering and outbound calling teams to enable Maxi-Lease to work better . The callanswering is like the Moneypenny PA is sat in the office with us and allows us to benefit from a bigger team . We ’ ve not missed any calls and we ’ ve definitely picked up calls that have turned into good calls as we ’ ve called them back straight away . And most importantly , we can pop out for a sandwich or for a quick break without worrying that we will miss a call ; that ’ s the biggest life improvement .”
Having investigated the option of outsourcing areas of the business in which there was little expertise or desire to undertake , Maxi-Lease has improved its processes and benefitted its business , with immediate results . Embracing the Moneypenny technology and people has meant that Maxi-Lease can convert more leads , have more flexibility in the working day and ensure that every call is answered and managed in a timely and professional manner . �
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Intelligent SME . tech