Intelligent Issue 42 | Page 35


// EXPERT PROFILE // while nations like the United States see engagement figures hit 31 %, many European countries , such as the UK , see engagement rates of around 10 %.

However , one communication channel which can help improve this sentiment is workplace screens , which nearly eight in 10 workers ( 79 %) expressed a positive perception towards .
Technology as a driving force for empowering deskless workers
As shocking as the statistics around engagement may appear on the surface , it is hardly surprising . In the UK , for example , productivity growth has essentially been stagnant since the 2008 financial crisis as a result of disengaged and unsatisfied workers .
The evolving economic landscape has heightened the urgency to engage and empower deskless workers . However , proposed solutions addressing productivity challenges primarily target office workers , thereby overlooking the largest sector of the workforce : deskless workers . Digital Transformation should no longer be limited to the most visible sector of the workforce . To be productive , deskless workers also need technological empowerment .
Fostering greater business alignment
Because deskless workers remain mobile throughout the day , some do not have access
Mark McDermott , CEO , ScreenCloud
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