Intelligent Issue 37 | Page 19



• A majority of businesses claim to be working on a 5G strategy , but are concerned with securing 5G data and applications layers
Cybersecurity risks :
• An alarming 95 % of organisations said there is a rise in cybersecurity incidents and that disruptive attacks have grown
• More than half ( 52 %) of organisations in ASEAN feel that they are at high risk from cybersecurity threats , particularly those in the services ( banking and financial ), essential services and manufacturing sectors
• Malware is a top concern across 60 % of organisations
Boardroom discussions and cybersecurity budget :
• Over 80 % of all ASEAN organisations say cybersecurity is discussed at the board level on a quarterly basis
• Sixty-six percent increased their cybersecurity budget for the year 2023
• Twenty-nine percent reported an increase of more than half of their 2022 budget
Security outlook :
• More than half ( 53 %) ASEAN organisations are thinking of adopting AI integration as the top technology to mitigate cyber-risks
• Three key cybersecurity strategies being considered : Cloud security adoption ( 44 %), identity and access management ( 40 %) and securing IoT / OT ( 40 %)
• Endpoint protection and SASE strategy are other areas organisations focus on
AI integration is the top technology businesses are adopting soon .
Telco / tech / communications businesses are most interested in AI adoption across the region and it is expected to grow at a faster pace in the coming years .
As customers expect cybersecurity firms to leverage AI to serve them better , Malaysia and Singapore are showing higher interest in deploying Big Data / data lake applications . �
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