Intelligent Issue 52 | Page 48


New Qonto survey reveals British SMEs falling behind Europe in AI race

Q onto , one of Europe ’ s leading business finance solution for SMEs and freelancers , has published its latest barometer on the state of Europe ’ s small and medium business landscape in 2024 . The report was created in collaboration with YouGov , in a survey among + 5,000 senior decision-makers for SMEs across France , Germany , Italy , Spain and the UK .

The survey reveals a resilient European SME landscape despite economic challenges . The findings highlight several key trends : widespread AI adoption across European SMEs but with the UK trailing behind its European counterparts ; a large proportion of businesses claiming climate action , but very few considering it a top priority ; and an evolving financial services landscape where digital banking solutions now surpass traditional banks in adoption rates . The report also shows significant progress in diversity initiatives , while talent acquisition strategies increasingly focus on competitive compensation and flexible working arrangements .
The findings reveal a robust business landscape across European markets , with 64 % of companies meeting their 2024 targets , and 10 % surpassing them , reflecting strong business resilience despite economic challenges . already implementing AI tools . Company characteristics significantly influence adoption rates : larger businesses show higher implementation , while companies of under five years lead with 75 % adoption compared to 61 % for businesses over 35-years-old . Financial services and IT / telecoms emerge as leading sectors .
Despite the increased adoption of AI , data privacy remains the predominant concern , cited by one in three businesses . The medical and healthcare sector shows particularly acute data privacy concerns , with 38 % citing challenges in balancing AI implementation with privacy considerations – the highest among all sectors studied .
SMEs in Britain have shown the lowest AI adoption rate among all markets studied , with only 58 % currently using AI tools and 31 % having no implementation plans for 2025 . This is a stark contrast to German SMEs , who demonstrate the highest AI adoption rate at 78 %.
The resistance is particularly strong among smaller companies , with 36 % of businesses with two to 49 employees having no AI adoption plans .
Qonto ’ s findings demonstrate an interesting environmental approach globally among European SMEs , with 49 % already implementing carbon reduction measures and one in three planning future action . However , only 9 % consider it a top priority , and 21 % have no carbon reduction plans .
This being said , the total 79 % commitment rate aligns with the European Commission ’ s Green Deal objectives of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and 55 % emission reduction by 2030 . SMEs in the UK demonstrate strong practical engagement , with 53 % already taking action – the secondhighest implementation rate out of the analysed markets . While 78 % are committed to carbon reduction and 11 % consider it a top priority – the highest out of the European markets surveyed – 22 % have no plans to act . �
Globally , company size emerges as a critical success factor , with businesses turning over € 100 million + being three times more likely to exceed targets than those under € 100,000 ( 23 % versus 7 %).
British businesses show promising results , with 64 % on target , and 11 % above target – one point above the European average .
The analysis confirmed widespread AI adoption , with 67 % of European SMEs
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