Intelligent Issue 46 | Page 42



Adam Zoucha , MD EMEA , FloQast

IN ADDITION TO IMPROVING THE NUTS AND BOLTS OF TEAM PROCESSES , IT ’ S IMPORTANT TO ENSURE YOUR PEOPLE CAN ACCESS THE INFORMATION THEY NEED IN A FORM THAT HELPS THEM USE IT INTELLIGENTLY . for greater communication , reduced error and faster , better quality decisions . Teams can share documents , access updates , leave comments and so on . It also improves morale , as teams understand each other better .
The more closely connected different departments feel , the less friction there ’ ll be across the organisation . We ’ ve all experienced the frustration of being unable to access the right files , not being able to get a response , not being able to chat through the problem verbally . It grinds everything to a halt . High-quality collaboration does the opposite , speeding up essential work and enabling businesses to take the opportunities that matter .
How to empower collaboration through automation
Collaboration is partly down to the people themselves and the culture you grow within your company . But it ’ s also down to the tools they ’ re given to carry out their work .
Through our work , we know that by providing accounting teams with automated software to quickly and efficiently perform repetitive tasks , offer up the right information and visualise workflows , it can have a significant impact on the quality of collaboration within a company . Implementing the right tools can also increase accountants ’ ability to access information , documents and project updates regardless of geographical location or time zone .
For example , when German-based mattress manufacturer , Emma , implemented automated accounting software to improve processes , its team remarked particularly on the impact it had on cross-border collaboration . Historically the company had struggled to see the bigger picture when it came to closing its financial statements each month , due to its team being located in multiple cities across the globe . They needed a good communication tool to illustrate team tasks and progress .
Akanksha Singla , Treasury Manager at Emma , said : “ For the monthly closings , it actually makes it quite transparent to the other team members once we ’ ve signed off our tasks . They know that these are the tasks which are already taken care of , and what needs to be worked on next , even when tasks are dependent on others .”
Having a clear , accurate , automated picture of all the various tasks a team needs to complete – rather than relying on manually updated Gantt charts or to do lists , for example , eliminates the risk of duplicated work or stalled processes . Everyone knows what ’ s still to do and what can be ticked off . This is just one example of the kind of simple but impactful change teams can benefit from through automation .
Data visibility fosters collaboration
In addition to improving the nuts and bolts of team processes , it ’ s important to ensure your
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