Intelligent Issue 44 | Page 15


// TECH TRENDS // must be recorded and analysed to optimise retailer operations .

It is not just technologies integrated into businesses that can increase the need for data and insights . With social media platforms moving further towards video content , this creates even greater demands for data storage . Small businesses utilising the video capabilities of social media to engage new audiences and to promote themselves also adds to this demand . Depending on the resolution and quality of the content , recent research has revealed that video streaming can take up to 15.98GB per hour in 4K .
Additionally , with retail businesses , other important data includes customer details and buying behaviours . This data is necessary for marketing purposes like email communications needed to drive traffic to stores or targeted advertising campaigns . In recent years , this has become even more advanced , as algorithms are used to ensure that targeted campaigns are directed to the most relevant audiences , utilising personalised advertisements to the maximum to further drive commerce .
Ultimately , the analysis of customer data can lead to further data being created as insights . As a result , these can be implemented and developed into marketing and sales strategies . Making understanding the mechanics of how data can be managed and leveraged for businesses , beyond growth in revenue , a necessity . Therefore , having the right storage architecture in place has become increasingly important , especially as ongoing rapid technological development means that the data deluge shows .
How to overcome data challenges
Although data can play an important role in helping an SME become more successful , if this data is not stored onto a suitable storage solution , it could potentially be a huge business loss . Storage technology has come a long way , and there are now a multitude of effective and easy to use backup solutions available . Portable drives , for example , are
Uwe Kemmer , Director of EMEAI Field Engineering at Western Digital
Intelligent SME . tech
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