Intelligent Issue 43 | Page 3

. tech
Intelligent SME . tech is a Lynchpin Media publication for professionals with an interest in global SME news and events . If you wish to subscribe for regular copies , then please email : info @ lynchpinmedia . com

Editor ’ s note

ELLO AND A warm welcome to issue 43 of


Intelligent SME . tech . On this month ’ s front cover , we feature William De Wet , Director of Zafbuild , a professional roofing service based out of Bristol in the UK . The company has a team of 15 highly skilled and experienced roofing experts . De Wet was managing roofing jobs across three different platforms – WhatsApp , Excel and Word – which made running the business more complicated than it needed to be .
Enter ToolTime , a software solution that brings all admin into one place . Zafbuild uses ToolTime to manage invoicing , quotes , appointment booking , project management and to streamline communications . This centralises all administrative operations into one core system and De Wet uses the ToolTime dashboard daily to provide an overview of everything that ’ s going on across the business . Turn to page 44 to find out more .
The Editor ’ s Question this month is : What options do start-ups have in offering supportive HR ? HR can sometimes be overlooked when a new business is starting out but it is an essential part of a company . Three experts give their views . Turn to page 20 .
The feature on pages 41 – 43 focuses on retaining talent . Each generation of the workforce is looking for slightly different things . It is well reported that Gen Z prioritise flexibility and a good work / life balance . But what about your older workforce – how can businesses make sure they retain this talent and support older employees ? Graham James , Director at Pluxee UK , offers his advice .
Amidst the ever-growing complexities of cybersecurity threats , SMEs face increasing vulnerabilities . To get ahead , IT teams must consider equipping their teams with AI-boosted protections and next-gen manageability tools – central features of Intel ’ s vPro platform . In the article on page 25 , we learn about the key challenges for SMEs today and how Intel ’ s solutions empower customers to navigate the evolving threat landscape with confidence and reliability .
We also have a round-up of all the latest SME news from across our regions , while our intelligent brands section looks at what ’ s new in sales and marketing , finance , HR and customer experience .
I hope you enjoy the magazine and if you ’ d like to contribute to any future issues , please do not hesitate to contact me by emailing rebecca @ lynchpinmedia . com
Rebecca Miles Managing Editor


Intelligent SME . tech
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