Intelligent Issue 43 | Page 12



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R becoming so common that today ’ s enterprises need to realize it is no longer a matter of “ if ” but “ when ” they are targeted . In a recent 2021 report *, tech market analysts IDC said their research shows that more than 90 % of organizations have been attacked by malware / ransomware . More than 80 % suffered a successful malware attack .

This requires a new mindset : preparing for inevitable breaches while also planning a way to return to normal operations as quickly as possible . For mid-market and enterprise customers , ransomware has changed the game – but new rules and new solutions can keep them ahead of the threat .
The New Target : Backups from uncompromised data . With backup data breached , they then move on to primary sources of data at the scale and pace they wish .
Ransomware organizations exploit flaws in detection systems to deliver their malware – and their methods are becoming more sophisticated . Typical of the cat-and-mouse game played out in cyber security is the way some monitoring software looks for unusually high I / O activity in disk drives to spot unwanted encryption . Ransomware gangs can respond by slowing the encryption . They also use the strategy of triggering an attack long after the breach , beyond the period of retention cycles . �
In their report , IDC identified the evolving threat to backup data . Cybercriminals know that attacking backup data first cuts off the enterprise from eluding an attack by restoring
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