Intelligent Issue 42 | Page 7



Darabase unveils no-code solution for AR out of home campaigns
Darabase , a pioneer in Augmented Reality ( AR ) advertising , has introduced ‘ Adcastar ,’ a no-code AR experience creator . Adcastar empowers brands and agencies to effortlessly elevate their marketing campaigns with cost-effective and engaging AR experiences .
Adcastar revolutionises AR campaign creation with its user-friendly interface . Users can create and publish captivating immersive experiences in just six simple steps without the need for specialist technical skills or coding . Uploading their existing campaign content assets , users can quickly generate dynamic AR video and immersive 3D experiences , with additional formats in the pipeline .
Dominic Collins , CEO and Co-founder of Darabase , said : “ Adcastar represents a paradigm shift in the approach to marketing campaigns . AR introduces a dynamic layer of interactivity , measurement and conversion previously absent in traditional out of home advertising . Historically AR campaigns have been expensive to create and required specialist skills . With Adcastar we are democratising immersive media and allowing the benefits of AR to be added to every outdoor campaign .”
Searches for ‘ side hustle ’ skyrocket 856 % in UK
Analysis of Google search data reveals that searches for ‘ side hustle ’ exploded by 856 % in the United Kingdom a day after news broke that Britain ’ s economy entered a recession in the final quarter of last year , as confirmed by the Office for National Statistics .
The analysis by coupon site , Bravo Voucher , reveals that searches for ‘ side hustle ,’ a popular term for an additional job , soared by over nine times the average volume after the announcement , an unprecedented increase in Britons looking to top up their incomes as the cost of living continues to bite , according to Google search data analysis .
Similarly , ‘ how to make money fast ’ and ‘ passive income ’ queries jumped by 868 % and 790 %, respectively .
Some households are selling up , with the data also revealing that searches for ‘ sell my house ’ soared by 287 %, a triple increase in a week .
Business restructure results in new jobs at IT firm
A leading IT company has strengthened its team following a successful restructuring of the business .
Integrity IT Solutions has experienced a bumper year as a result of a reorganisation , spearheaded by new head of operations , Michael Quinn .
On the back of the success , Integrity IT , which has offices in Annan and Carlisle , has recently welcomed four new recruits to the team and promoted two members of staff as part of their personal and professional development .
Quinn said : “ When I joined Integrity IT Solutions last year I wanted to change the structure of how the business functioned to ensure we were operating more fluidly and efficiently , which would mean we could offer an improved level of service to our customers .
“ I ’ m extremely proud of how well the entire team has engaged with the new vision , and the company is really reaping the rewards of their amazing work .”
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