Intelligent Issue 42 | Page 41



Generative AI ’ s impact


When customers interact with a business , they don ’ t think about channels and how and where that interaction is happening – they just want a good , personalised experience . Which is why a channel-less approach to customer experience ( CX ) is now emerging as best practice . Companies need to take a fluid and flexible approach to CX and Generative AI can help . Jake Hookom , VP of Commerce and Platform at Sitecore , discusses how companies can use Generative AI to meet rising expectations .


CONNECTED times . The demand for easy and personalised buying experiences has never been higher . With brands now expected to be omnipresent via connected experiences at any and every touchpoint , a channel-less approach to customer experience is now emerging as best practice and replacing the traditional omnichannel model .
A study by PwC reveals that 32 % of customers would stop doing business with a brand they loved after one bad experience . They want these experiences interconnected and seamless , but they also want them personalised , with 63 % of customers saying they would be willing to share more personal data with a company to receive a great digital experience .
And yet consumers engage with an average of nine different channels when they interact with a brand , often making execution of a personalised , truly channel-less go-to-market strategy an operational nightmare .
Rising expectations
According to The Economist , this new generation of shoppers is being fuelled by
Gen Z : “ They have thin wallets and expensive tastes . They prize convenience and a social conscience . They want shopping to be at once seamless and personal . They crave authenticity while being constantly immersed in an ersatz digital world . As they start spending in earnest , brands are trying to understand what these walking paradoxes want and how they shop .”
Faced with an increasingly complex ecosystem of trends and evolution of the business landscape , brands need true flexibility and
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