Intelligent Issue 40 | Page 3

. tech
Intelligent SME . tech is a Lynchpin Media publication for professionals with an interest in global SME news and events . If you wish to subscribe for regular copies , then please email : info @ lynchpinmedia . com

Editor ’ s note

ello and a warm welcome to issue 40 of


Intelligent SME . tech . On this month ’ s front cover , we feature Fred Kithinji , Founder and CEO of Belva Digital . The marketing technology company is based in Kenya and was founded over a decade ago . Until recently , Belva Digital relied on several different solution providers to provide multichannel offerings to its customers . This multivendor approach increased the complexity and cost of implementing and managing these channels .
To solve this problem , it joined Infobip ’ s Partner Connect Programme , which helps partners , and their customers , transform business opportunities at scale by connecting them to powerful communications solutions and expertise . Belva Digital has been able to enhance and expand its product portfolio to offer complete omnichannel solutions on one platform . An effective omnichannel approach ensures that customers have a consistent and personalised experience across all channels , which ultimately drives sales and customer loyalty . Turn to page 44 to find out more .
The Editor ’ s Question this month focuses on the best way for an SME to create a fantastic customer experience . We have all been there as a customer – let down by a company when it comes to customer service . Three experts offer their advice on how to avoid this . Turn to page 20 .
New research has revealed the roadblocks , tactics and outcomes of Digital Transformation efforts in the last year at businesses across the globe . The overwhelming majority said that only 50 % or less of their DX projects in the last year met the expected goals or outcomes . Matt Cloke , CTO at
Endava , explores how SMEs can approach and carry out Digital Transformation projects . Turn to page 28 .
In today ’ s rapidly evolving threat landscape , SMBs are making investments to bolster their cyberdefences . But this complex environment can be challenging to manage . Rob Harrison , SVP Products and Services , Sophos , talks us through the benefits of working with an expert managed services provider versus relying on an in-house team with multiple priorities to juggle . Turn to page 25 .
We also have a round-up of all the latest SME news from across our regions , while our intelligent brands section looks at what ’ s new in sales and marketing , finance , HR and customer experience .
I hope you enjoy the magazine and if you ’ d like to contribute to any future issues , please do not hesitate to contact me by emailing rebecca @ lynchpinmedia . com
Rebecca Miles Managing Editor


Intelligent SME . tech
. tech