Intelligent Issue 38 | Page 27


// PREDICTIVE INTELLIGENCE // that empowers teams to have contextual , meaningful conversations with prospects and throughout the customer journey .

Ultimately , the rise in technology has offered new and enhanced possibilities for businesses and subsequently , customers want these benefits to be capitalised upon to ensure their experience is seamless . Important to note here is the platform should adapt to the changing nature of your business and not the other way around .
Employee experience and customer experience
Technology has also paved the way for an optimal employee experience ( EX ),
As digital natives filter through into businesses , they will eventually drive the culture of their respective organisations . Being digitally proficient , they have been facilitating the adoption of technology in everyday employee experiences . Employees look for similar experience from their 9 to 5 business apps as they get from their 5 to 9 consumer apps . Customisable interface , easy access to required information , access to mobile apps and faster learning curves are important factors in determining the experience and successful implementation of the platform .
Communication platforms will allow customer facing teams to connect and ensure important information is relayed in a timely and efficient manner . They allow employees to provide instant updates , collaborate on projects and provide feedback with ease .
Technology will further drive employee experience in the coming years which will , in turn , promote a more unified customer experience .
Data privacy
In recent times , we have seen the topic of data privacy cement itself within conversations , and businesses must now weigh up the use of innovative technologies that drive datapowered business benefits , such as improved CX and the privacy of their customers .
As data has become a more prominent business tool within organisations , consumers have become more wary of how their data is being collected , used and stored .
Consumers are increasingly vigilant , and privacy is now well placed to be a top priority for customers . Businesses must ensure proper data protection policies are in place and the recent study from Zoho Corporation shows that almost a third of business leaders are citing data privacy as their top business concern .
While data-driven insights can help to improve CX , businesses will only reap the benefits if they have clear and transparent policies in place , giving customers complete control over how their data is being collected and used , ensuring a competitive but sustainable approach .
Customers do not just want a shiny new toy in the form of a product or service , but instead want an enjoyable and trustworthy experience , from start to end .
Businesses must now work to improve their CX strategies by using the offerings of technology . It will involve a balancing act of increasing personalisation , promoting a technology-driven culture , all while ensuring consumers and their data are kept safe and secure .
Those who successfully deploy a robust CX strategy will see a loyal customer base grow , a culture based on unified values develop and ultimately , business growth promoted . �
Suvish Viswanathan , Senior Evangelist , Zoho Europe

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