Intelligent Issue 24 | Page 21




L ow-code development isn ’ t just about the innovation acceleration advantages it delivers for customerfacing applications . The push towards low-code is also a strategy that CIOs can ( and should ) leverage to deliver more customised and more elegant digital experiences for their enterprise ’ s own employees . The internal use cases for low-code are perhaps less heralded than customer-facing applications , but they are no less important – and can be a major success driver for today ’ s CIO .

Using low-code techniques , a CIO ’ s team can rapidly assemble and iterate on internal applications and interfaces simply by connecting pre-coded modules ( think Lego blocks ). Done right , low-code enables internal applications to be built at least 15x faster than traditional coding . This transforms the velocity that a business can address any areas of their employee-facing experiences that aren ’ t humming or that could use more features .
Importantly for CIOs , though , low-code also offers an improved digital experience for developers themselves . Low-code eliminates the tedious block-and-tackle work of development , while empowering developers to easily harness exciting AI / ML , Big Data , IoT , voice , Blockchain and API technologies . That superior developer experience can be the key differentiator for a business when it comes to retaining key developer talent .
For the rest of the ( non-developer ) workforce , low-code can quickly introduce and regularly improve digital experiences – helping employees to be more efficient , effective and satisfied with the tools they use every day . In scenarios where standardisation is required to eliminate misunderstanding , remove roadblocks and boost productivity , CIOs can utilise a lowcode strategy to create standardised templates and introduce uniform experiences across all departments and teams within the organisation . Low-code can similarly remove communication gaps between design , development and advanced technology teams by providing a unified interface and standardised components , enabling better individual experiences and more seamless collaborations .
Low-code ’ s greatest contributions to employee DX are connectivity and speed . Adopting low code enables high-speed creation of internal-facing digital applications that help foster better interactions and experiences and continuously improve those experiences as new employee needs , or preferences arise .
The pace of low-code development both raises morale and ignites a virtuous cycle . Faster and more robust delivery of software projects boosts confidence in the minds of employees and further speeds up the development cycle .
Finally , low-code gives CIOs the unique opportunity to democratise development and distribute responsibility for employee experiences to teams themselves . Because low-code offers such a simple UI , employees can serve as citizen developers and code quite effectively .
Teams can directly control their tooling , and harness self-service access to relevant data and analytics capabilities . Thus , low-code puts digital experiences in the hands of employees who know exactly what they need to succeed , while freeing experienced developers to pursue more complex and ambitious projects that move the business forward .

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