Intelligent Issue 22 | Page 46


TO WIALON FOR ACCURATE MONITORING . meters to measure liquid flow . This method did not lead to a precise measurement , and eventually , they were losing approximately 800 litres of diesel per month .
Mimicar s . r . o – a Wialon provider – proposed to RBR Betón a solution that utilised G-flow meters , which enabled every fuel transaction to be recorded and transmitted to Wialon for accurate monitoring . The integrator ’ s custom application assigned specific fuels to each vehicle so that the client would be able to compare fuel consumption in reports . The GPS trackers connected to fuel sensors allow operators to gather real-time fuel information , detect company fuel misuse and make fuel theft obvious and quick to spot . Mimicar s . r . o .’ s solution has attracted other fleet owners and the telematics service provider has already received 25 plus new orders .
It ’ s a very specific business need that the smart application of technology has been able to fill and help RBR Betón ’ s business to grow .
What is your best practice approach to fleet management ( for SMEs ) and why should technology be seen as a key enabler ?
Simply put , the best practice is to take every opportunity to minimise waste , which can be inherent in fleet management if not carefully managed . At SME level , in particular , this can really impact a company ’ s bottom line . There ’ s the need to mitigate risk , by only planning workload with vehicles that are available to be used and not about to need servicing , etc . Then there ’ s the need for efficient costing , investing in vehicles with high mileage but few breakdowns and avoid those which show regular operational issues . It ’ s also important to be able to properly delegate the responsibilities of fleet management in a transparent way , which is only possible with software and analytics that provides a holistic view of a fleet ’ s activities .
How important is technology to your own business for ensuring the ability to scale and how do you plan to grow the business further ?
Technology is at the core of everything we do and we ’ re proud to have created a community around the technology we offer . By being an active part of all the various use cases for our technology , we ’ re able to predict future areas of need and grow our products accordingly , ahead of clients ’ needs .
Our immediate focus for Wialon is to foster development in the IoT area , with transport telematics traditionally being our domain . We will continue to further grow Wialon ’ s versatility and make it relevant and applicable for more and more business areas and IoT fields . We will also avoid diving into only a single sector with our solution . We ’ d rather develop Wialon in such a way that our value-added resellers , service providers and partners who use Wialon can embark on any project and be sure that Wialon would make a perfect fit for their business needs and upcoming opportunities .
What role will technology play in this industry looking ahead ?
We ' re seeing the future will involve greater use of backend solutions for aggregation and normalisation of data from various IoT and telematics sources . These can manage devices over the air , apply custom algorithms to real-time data , create live dashboards and much more . At the same time , we will continue to further grow our products ' versatility and make it relevant and applicable for more and more business areas and IoT fields . Also , we anticipate vehicles will become even safer – informing each other about accidents and hold-ups . Technology will also enable a strong push on climate change by greatly reducing emissions at a time when business is aware of how important this is . It ’ s an exciting time for those involved in such technologies – and we ’ re excited to be a part of it . �
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Intelligent SME . tech