Intelligent Issue 16 | Page 68


skills from his previous job and apply them to the Borough 22 business . This adaptation was the first in his journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur .
Facing challenges
Imposter syndrome is just one of the challenges faced by new business owners . Panchoo likens the feeling to being like a hamster on a wheel . various roles a business owner must play can seem overwhelming . So , it is critical for entrepreneurs to utilise the tools available to overcome such challenges .
Leaning on tech
To counter these difficulties , it is essential to have not only a great social support network but also the right tech to bolster your efforts . Panchoo places huge importance on the technology that facilitates quality time management . This is embodied by Sage ’ s Accounting Plus software . This technology supported Panchoo ’ s entrepreneurial journey by allowing him to spend less time on aspects of the business that are essential , but not his area of expertise .
“ I am slowly readjusting to having more time , trying to fit activities in a structured way , striving towards specific goals and focusing on getting certain things done to grow the business ,” he added .
Ryan Panchoo , Founder and CEO of Borough 22
“ Once you get on that wheel , you are just going to have to keep going . There ’ s not going to be a chance to stop . That ’ s how it feels . But to have those people around you , pushing you , believing in your products , believing in you and saying you are the right person to do this . That ’ s what makes it work ,” he said .
Tenacity and adaptability are no doubt vital to any kind of business success . However , there ’ s only so much you can achieve on your own . Learning how to develop a business from a personal need and turning it into a successful revenue-generating company is a critical part of being a successful entrepreneur . Running a business is like spinning lots of plates all at the same time . Fulfilling the
Accounting technology acted as an enabler for Panchoo to pivot and adopt new ways of working amid the backdrop of the pandemic . He also learnt the necessity of communicating his brand to B2C and B2B consumers in the most efficient and user-friendly way through such technology . The amount of time tech gives back to Panchoo as a business owner , with so many ‘ hats ’ to wear in his day-to-day activities is unparalleled . It is also important to note that the initial investment is always repaid at speed , and in full , by revenue through time saved and secondly , but no less significantly , increased wellbeing .
A final word
After almost two years of upheaval for businesses , many are starting to flourish once again . As such , it is becoming increasingly apparent that the more a business focuses on its human element , the more success it enjoys . Being able to focus on the things you do best , whether that be baking or social media advertising , both in Panchoo ’ s case , technology is highlighted as an enabler . Although it is not a simple journey to starting your own business , if you use the right technology with the right attitude , it can act as a fundamental pillar in both facilitating and supporting entrepreneurial aspirations . �
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Intelligent SME . tech