Intelligent Issue 03 | Page 27


// PREDICTIVE INTELLIGENCE // scour the Internet to see where they can get in ( for example , an Internet-facing remote desktop server ).

So , if the SMB doesn ’ t have the skillset , education or resources to configure the IT environment according to best practices , they are more likely to be hacked and be hit with ransomware , versus a big company with the budget or the knowledge to better protect their data .
What is the recommended best practice approach to Disaster Recovery and security , particularly for SMBs ?
Having a multi-layered approach is best practice for both security and Disaster Recovery , particularly for SMBs . It ’ s not like it was decades ago where having a firewall and antivirus software was good enough . In today ’ s complex digital environment , there are multiple levels of cybersecurity to keep the company and data safe which can include firewalls , antivirus software , spam filtering , end-user security training , security operations centre ( SOC ) monitoring and many other components .
Part of an effective Disaster Recovery plan is to make sure you are testing the restores and how long it takes . Image-based backups are critical for this . An image-based backup actually takes a snapshot of the server .
That way , if you need to restore the entire server , you can do it ( depending on the size of the server and how much data ) in under an hour . It will be exactly how it was : the configuration , the operating system , the applications and the data . The overall goal for businesses to keep in mind is to ensure a prompt , comprehensive return to normalcy .
Why do SMEs need to place a higher priority on multi-layered DR and security ?
Again , the biggest issues these days are ransomware and downtime . Having a multilayered Disaster Recovery and security approach can help secure the company and the data and get everything back up as quickly as possible . In most cases , you get ransomware when someone is tricked into clicking a link and malicious software is installed or they accidentally give away their credentials . You can never 100 % get around the human factor . That is why it is so critical to have up-to-date , multi-layered security within the IT infrastructure .
Comparing how businesses are run today versus 20 years ago , they cannot afford to be down . Years ago , it could take days to restore things , but with everything being digital these days , any downtime comes with an enormous cost to the company . Now more than ever , it ’ s particularly important to plan ahead and have a strategy and the right technology in place to protect your business from external threats .
Finally , protecting company data and personally identifiable information ( PII ) is crucial for all businesses . Any breaches or loss of data can result in devastating consequences , especially for industries with strict compliance regulations such as finance , healthcare and government . These can include fines , penalties and damaged reputation .
How can SMEs balance investment in the right technology with reduced budgets in the new year ?
Every business needs to ensure they have the right technology in place , no matter how big or small they are . The changing technology landscape can create pressure for business owners to adapt to the times , although the budget doesn ’ t always keep up . As technology evolves , so do the threats and not keeping up with vulnerabilities or lacking a backup and Disaster Recovery plan could end up costing a lot more over the long run .
SMBs with limited budgets may want to consider partnering with a managed service provider ( MSP ) or managed security service provider ( MSSP ) that has the skillset , staff and ability to scale solutions . They can get the right technology solutions at a reduced price versus trying to do it themselves .
I would recommend talking to two or three providers and learn about each of their approaches to Disaster Recovery and other technology solutions . Be sure to compare the offerings when making a decision , while taking their experience into consideration . �

Matthew Hodson , Co-Founder and CIO of Valeo Networks
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